Third Fellows’ Meeting: Essentials to Safeguard Liberal Democracy in Europe
Our Fellows head to Lisbon for their last meeting during their re:constitution Fellowship
Student Assistant for the re:constitution programme
15-20 hours per week, deadline for applications: 11 July 2022
Call for Applications: re:constitution Fellowships 2022-23
Up to 10 Fellowships for scholars, legal practitioners and journalists from across Europe
The CJEU and the ECtHR as a Sword and a Shield for Polish Judges
Keynote by Adam Bodnar, SWPS University of Social Sciences and former Ombudsman of the Republic of Poland
At a Glance: The French Presidential Elections and the Rule of Law
DRI’s Nino Tstereteli interviewed law professors Sébastien Platon and Xavier Philippe on the impact of the French …
Justice Delayed and Justice Denied: Non-Implementation of European Court Rulings
New report by Democracy Reporting International and the European Implementation Network
Conference: “Democracy & the Rule of Law under Pressure”
Conference on Democracy & the Rule of Law in Vienna – co-organised by re:constitution Fellow Kevin Fredy Hinterberger
Rule of Law FAQs – Debunking Common Myths
Democracy Reporting International and Meijers Committee help politicians, journalists and others get their facts …
From Romania with Love
re:constitution Fellow Maciej Taborowski reviews a CJEU decision on the Romanian constitutional court
Call for Participation: re:constitution Workshop on 16 May 2022 in Rome, Italy
Freedom of Expression in the Digital Ecosystem: From the ‘Wild Web’ to a European ‘Lex Informatica’?
Top Recommendations for the 2022 EU Commission Rule of Law Report
Democracy Reporting International’s Jakub Jaraczewski and Nino Tsereteli explain their key recommendations for the …
The Rule of Law in the EU in 2021: What Went Right? What Went Wrong?
DRI’s Jakub Jaraczewski and Nino Tsereteli look back at the year in rule of law
Individuelle und kollektive Selbstbestimmung jenseits des Nationalstaats: das kosmopolitisch-demokratische Narrativ der europäischen Integration
re:constitution alumnus Manuel Müller suggests a new narrative for the legitimization of the European Union
Il diritto parlamentare “sperimentale”
re:constitution Fellow Ylenia Maria Citino analyses the so-called ‘experimental parliamentary law’ in Italy
Algorithmic persecution in Turkey’s post-coup crackdown: The FETÖ-Meter system
re:constitution Fellow Emre Turkut co-authored a study on algorithmic persecution
re:constitution Seminar in Cooperation with New University
re:constitution travelled to Ljubljana to discuss perspectives of academic freedom in Europe
re:constitution starts into the Academic Year 2021/22
Keynote speech by Prof. Başak Çalı on “The European Court of Human Rights and the Shadow of Rule of Law Backsliding”
Third Time’s the Charm? Bulgaria’s Parliamentary Elections and the Rule of Law
DRI’s Jakub Jaraczewski talks to Bilyana Gyaurova-Wegertseder ahead of the elections