Wed 14 Jun 2023

Third Fellows’ Exchange Meeting. Fundamental Rights Protection in the EU: Taking Stock

University Library Leuven, (c) Theedi, Wikicommons

This year’s Third Fellows’ Exchange Meeting is centred around the topic of Fundamental Rights Protection in the EU and will take the 14 re:constitution Fellows to Leuven and Brussels. The event constitutes their final personal meeting of their Fellowship and will take place from 14 to 16 June 2023.

Organised in cooperation with the RESHUFFLE project at the Institute for European Law at KU Leuven, the programme includes many opportunities for the Fellows to update each other on their research projects and engage in various sessions revolving around the protection of fundamental rights in the EU. In addition to a welcoming speech by our host Elise Muir, RESHUFFLE Principal Investigator and Professor of European Law at KU Leuven, on Reshuffling our Understanding of Fundamental Rights Law in Europe, a public keynote by Willem Verrijdt, Judge at the Constitutional Court of Belgium on The Belgian Constitutional Court as a judge of EU Law will be part of the programme.

Our re:constitution programme partners at Democracy Reporting International will complement the programme on Thursday with an interactive session designed for this meeting.

On the final day of the meeting, Friday, 16 June, the Fellows will be in Brussels.

In the morning, re:constitution Fellow Viktoria Kraetzig and Alumna Neus Vidal Martí, Press Freedom Monitoring Officer at the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom, will convene a public panel on media freedom and regulation in Europe and the proposed European Media Freedom Act in Brussels, which is accompanied by a Verfassungsblog symposium in early June.

The Fellows’ Meeting will conclude in the afternoon at the European Policy Centre (EPC) where the Fellows will discuss the legal and political dimensions of fundamental rights protection in Europe with EPC experts and in cooperation with the Connecting Europe project.

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