in re:trospect 2020-21 - The Magazine of the Second Fellow Year is out!
In the second volume of our magazine in re:trospect you will find reports and interviews from our Fellows
Back to the Roots – Erstes Fellows’ Exchange Meeting 2021/22
Interlinked Values – Interlinked Problems and Solutions? Protecting Fundamental Rights in the Shadow of Rule of Law …
Overshadowed by Neighbours? The Rule of Law in the Czech Parliamentary Elections
As Czechs prepare to elect a new parliament on 8 and 9 October, local issues on the rule of law come into full view
Our Network is Growing: New re:constitution Fellows 2021/2022
Meet the new generation of re:constitution Fellows who are about to begin their Fellowship in October 2021
Out of Sight, Out of Mind? The Rule of Law in Germany's Elections and its Impact on the EU
Thu Nguyen and Michael Meyer-Resende talk about the (lack of) discussions on the rule of law in the election campaign in …
Our European Society and Its Conference on the Future of Europe
Public Lecture in cooperation with ELTE University
The European Court of Human Rights and the Theoretical Crisis of Human Rights
Workshop organised by re:constitution Alumnus Alain Zysset
At a Glance: Bulgaria’s Elections and the Rule of Law
DRI’s Jakub Jaraczewski provides an overview ahead of the elections
‘Who gets to speak? Media Pluralism – a Contested Concept and its Application in EU Member States’
re:constitution Seminar on Media Pluralism
Sign up Now: How Can the Rule of Law and Freedom of the Media Strengthen Each Other?
Wie können sich Medienfreiheit und Rechtsstaatlichkeit gegenseitig stärken?
EU Rule of Law Case-Law: Crucial Recent Developments
re:constitution Seminar in Cooperation with the Rule of Law Working Group at the Central European University and …
Rolling with Democracy - New Episode
The latest episode of Rolling with Democracy deals with the current political situation in Nigeria
Cyprus: Elections and the Rule of Law
DRI's Jil Prillwitz examines how the rule of law affects the country's upcoming elections
Extraordinary or Extralegal Responses?
New report on COVID-19 and the rule of law across the EU-27 countries
Extraordinary or Extralegal Responses? COVID-19 and the Rule of Law in the EU (Report Launch and Discussion)
To mark the launch of our new report, we invite you to join the discussion of our findings and further perspectives
In re:trospect – Looking back at the First Year of re:constitution
Building a network - The first year of re:constitution and our Alumni
Deadline extended: Call for Applications re:constitution Fellowships 2021/22
20 Fellowships for scholars, legal practitioners and journalists from across Europe
New Episode of "Rolling with Democracy": Abortion Laws in Poland and Argentina
Stefanie Beermann discusses the latest developments in abortion laws in Poland and Argentina with her guests
Backgrounder: Bulgaria’s elections and the rule of law
Bulgarians elect a new parliament on 4 April 2021. Jil Prillwitz sat down with re:constitution Fellow Angelina Atanasova …