Thu 01 Apr 2021

New Episode of "Rolling with Democracy": Abortion Laws in Poland and Argentina

While in Argentina abortions up to the 14th week of pregnancy were legalised last year, the right-wing conservative government in Poland was successful in further restricting the abortion law, which was already one of the most restrictive in Europe - despite nationwide protests.

Stefanie Beermann talks with her guests about what this means for democracy and the rule of law in these countries. They also discuss the role of activists fighting for women's reproductive rights and the influence of the church and religious groups on society and politics.

This time the guests are Aleksandra Kustra-Rogatka, re:constitution alumna and Associate Professor at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, and Pamela Martín García, political scientist and activist from Argentina.

The Podcast is available on Spotify, Soundcloud, Deezer and Podigee.

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