Our cooperation partner of this year’s meeting is the Hay Derecho Foundation, a civil society organisation founded in 2015 in Spain engaging in the defense of the rule of law. We look forward to meet with the Hay Derecho team and the possibility to zoom in on the political and legal context in Spain.
On the first day, we will be joined by two of our alumnae for a session on current Spanish debates on the Rule of Law in relation to Europe and European jurisdiction.
The second day will start with a session by Daniel Sarmiento, Professor of EU and Administrative Law at the University Complutense of Madrid. The programme will be complemented by sessions from the Hay Derecho Foundation and our partners at Democracy Reporting International.
On the last day, our Fellows will be given the opportunity to focus on a topic of their chose in a session conceptualized by themselves.
We are looking forward to the different sessions and to bringing our Fellows together one last time before their Fellowships will come to an end.