2019/ 2020

Hoai-Thu Nguyen

Mobility Phase: Democracy Reporting International, Berlin

Our Mind, Our Business? - Protecting Democratic Will-Formation in the EU in the Digital Age

Photo: Joanna Scheffel

Thu Nguyen is Policy Fellow for EU Institutions and Democracy at the Jacques Delors Centre at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin. Previously she worked as an Assistant Professor in European and comparative constitutional law at Maastricht University (the Netherlands). She received her PhD from Maastricht University in 2018 with a dissertation entitled “An Uneven Balance? A Legal Analysis of Power Asymmetries between National Parliaments in the EU”. She holds law degrees from Maastricht University (the Netherlands) and the College of Europe (Bruges, Belgium) and is a fellow of the Montesquieu Institute Maastricht. Her main research focus lies on representative democracy and the role of parliaments in the EU and its Member States.

Our Mind, Our Business? - Protecting Democratic Will-Formation in the EU in the Digital Age

Elections in the 21st century are increasingly affected by the rise of technology and social media. Democratic systems in the European Union rest on the idea of direct, free, equal, and secret elections, combined with an unrestricted free market of ideas and free flow of information. Facilitated access to information through technological developments and social media can promote citizens’ (equal) participation in democratic processes. At the same time, voters can, through the manipulation and individual targeting of information and in the absence of proper campaign regulations in the online sphere, be influenced in a much more unregulated, and possibly illegitimate, manner than was possible before, in particular where their free will-formation process is concerned. In her project, Thu Nguyen aims to investigate how electoral laws and regulations can protect political will-formation in the EU against technological impediments without at the same time impinging on democratic values such as the right to free speech.