Fellows’ Exchange Meeting
Wed 05 Feb 2025 – Thu 06 Feb 2025

Second Fellows’ Exchange Meeting: The Contested Relationship between the Rule of Law and Democracy

Online event

(c) Nadine Roßa

Building on the first Fellows’ Exchange Meeting (FEM) in October 2024 in Berlin on the topic of “Interdisciplinary Perspective on Law towards Change”, the Fellows of the current cohort 2024/2025 are meeting online for the second FEM. The meeting marks the halfway point of the re:constitution Fellowship programme. 

Recently, the relationship between rule of law and democracy in and around Europe has been shifted to such an extent that new discussions are required. In the meeting, the Fellows will explore current challenges and opportunities around the preservation and resilience of rule of law in Europe and beyond through democratic instruments and mechanisms. How can international courts respond to current non-democratic contexts in Europe? In which ways do researchers and legal practitioners contribute to fact-based and independent media as an important democratic tool for strengthening the rule of law? Which transregional linkages and forms of solidarity exist in times of de-democratization in Europe and the US? How are these developments challenged or favoured through digitalization?

In addition, the Fellows will present and reflect on the current status of their re:constitution research project.

From among the pressing questions mentioned, Advisory Board Member Alberto Alemanno will put a special focus on the currently relevant comparison of the American and European experiences on anticipating and responding to the democratic backsliding. This is moderated by our current Fellow Maria Skóra. To enhance practical skills, our Advisory Board Members Neus Vidal Martí and Alexandra Kemmerer will offer insights and a training on how to use and navigate social media individually and institutionally as a platform for science communication, networking and storytelling. Daniela Alvarado Rincón, Digital Democracy Policy Officer at our partner organisation DRI, together with the Fellows will take a closer look at the enforcement of the Digital Service Act and it’s role for the EU’s external relations. Finally, Dilek Kurban and Fellow Corina Heri will discuss the role of the European Court of Human Rights with regard to rising authoritarianism in Europe. This Session will be moderated by re:constitution alumna Silvia Steininger.

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